Artists / Gallery

Balluf Ernst

Linz *1921 - †2008 Linz

  • /artists/balluf-ernst/bachlandschaft-106/
  • /artists/balluf-ernst/bei-sandl-110/
  • /artists/balluf-ernst/bei-liebenau-111/
  • /artists/balluf-ernst/gehoeft-104/
  • /artists/balluf-ernst/stilleben-tisch-mit-objekten/
  • /artists/balluf-ernst/101-gehoeft-bei-leonfelden/

Ernst Balluf studied painting and graphics at the school for arts and crafts in Linz before he worked as a cartoonist and illustrator for several newspapers. His oeuvre contains drawings, lithographs and mainly watercolours. 

Balluf creates mainly landscapes and still lifes. His focus on the substance, on the marrow of a matter and his reduced colour palette lead to a certain degree of abstraction.

Ernst Balluf was a member of the Zülow-Group of the Mühlviertler artist’s guild.