
INVITATION to the EXHIBITION: CHRISTIAN Anton "Der Zeitreisende"

CHRISTIAN Anton, Schattenflug II, 2024, mixed media on nepal paper, 112 x 163 cm

CHRISTIAN Anton, Schattenflug II, 2024, mixed media on nepal paper, 112 x 163 cm


“Der Zeitreisende”
Malerei - Zeichnungen - Skulpturen

D u r a t i o n  o f  t h e  e x h i b i t i o n :
14th - 28th february 2025

O p e n i n g h o u r s :
Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

L o c a t i o n  o f  t h e  e x h i b i t i o n :
KAIBLINGER - Galerie und Kunsthandel, Spiegelgasse 21, 1010 Vienna

In Anton CHRISTIAN's artistic oeuvre, each creative period experiences its present moment. This is evident in the artist's stirring and exciting painting, which is often relentlessly implemented in expressive picture cycles. Names of these cycles reflect the content of his work: Chance Lives, Faces of Ageing, Old People, Field Letters, etc., to mention just a few examples here.

Dream worlds for man and nature do not occur here. On the contrary, the fringes of society and the world largely destroyed by man shape CHRISTIAN's paintings and sculptures.

This “unsparing patent over the long years of activity” is appreciated by many enthusiastic art collectors with purchases and art fairs with exhibitions at home and abroad.

Here you can find selected paintings and sculptures of the exhibition … CHRISTIAN Anton “Der Zeitreisende”


Wolfgang Hollegha, the silent giant of contemporary abstract painting

Wolfgang Hollegha, the silent giant of contemporary abstract painting

We are looking for Austrian contemporary art of high quality!

We pay best prices for paintings - originals, no lithographs - of the following artists:

Hausner Rudolf
Helnwein Gottfried
Hollegha Wolfgang

Korab Karl
Lassnig Maria
Nitsch Hermann

Rainer Arnulf
Weiler Max
Zadrazil Franz

And other artists of our gallery program!

We are looking forward to receive your offers!