Original paintings & sculptures

Kabas Robert - Painting & Sculptures

Scheibbs *1952

  • /artists/kabas-robert/curtain-of-grey/
  • /artists/kabas-robert/ehrliche-entwicklung-skulptur/
  • /artists/kabas-robert/innerer-halt/
  • /artists/kabas-robert/rot-skulptur/
  • /artists/kabas-robert/sonnenuntergang/

Robert Kabas was born in Scheibbs, Lower Austria. The impulses of Robert Kabas' works and the dynamics that characterize many of his paintings are expressions of his artistic exploration of surface and space and the possibility of capturing movement sequences. Communication represents the overarching theme of his visual content.

Robert Kabas, who completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, received his diploma in painting and teaching in 1976. A foreign scholarship enabled him to spend an extended period in Egypt. He also worked in guest studios in Munich and Wolfsburg.

Since 1975, Kabas has presented his works in exhibitions both domestically and internationally and has received numerous awards and prizes, such as the Theodor Körner Prize and the Promotion Prize of the City of Vienna. Robert Kabas lives as a freelance artist in Vienna and Purgstall.